How to Get Rid of Food Guilt

Free online class where you'll learn why you really feel guilty about food, how food guilt affects you, and what to do to free yourself.

Food guilt is never helpful.

Do you ever feel guilty about what you eat?

If you do, you're definitely not alone! Food guilt is incredibly common.

In fact, it’s probably safe to say that everyone has experienced food guilt at some point, and maybe even daily or multiple times a day.

The truth is, food guilt is never helpful.

While you might think it’s a positive motivator, it actually only makes you miserable, creates an all-or-nothing mentality with food, encourages extreme food behaviors, negatively affects your mood, erodes self-trust, and keeps you stuck.

So how do you get rid of it? That’s what you'll learn in this free online class!

Join us for How to Get Rid of Food Guilt - Why You Feel Guilty, How It Affects You, and What to do to Free Yourself.

You'll learn our 4-step process for getting rid of food guilt and walk away with action steps so you can get rid of food guilt (for good!) + feel more confident around food.

This class is for you if you:
•  Feel frustrated + overwhelmed with food.
•  You’ve tried about a million times to change your diet or improve the way you eat without feeling successful.
•  You feel guilty about how you eat, either overall or on a regular basis.
•  You’re stuck and not sure what to do next.


Click the button to watch this free online class!


    Meet Emily + Stephanie

    Emily Fonnesbeck - Registered Dietitian, Nutrition Therapist + Eating Disorder Provider

    Stephanie Webb - Holistic Nutritionist, Eating Psychology Coach + Intuitive Eating Counsellor


    Here at Eat Confident Co., we pride ourselves in taking a unique, compassionate, and empowering approach to health and well-being.  We believe you have all the tools you need to know how to eat and care for may just need practice, support and encouragement in doing so. That's where this free 5-day series comes in! We're here to give you the support + encouragement you need and the time you need to practice, with our guidance along the way.


    We use a weight-neutral, non-diet approach to health and well-being. That means we take the focus off your weight (where you may have been putting the focus for much of your life!) and put it onto health-promoting behaviors. Not only will that lead to more peace for you, but this approach has also been proven to be the most effective + sustainable for your health and well-being.


    We firmly believe your body has your back - it knows exactly what it needs and what weight it wants to be. So your job isn't to count calories, track macros, follow a rigid meal plan, or micromanage your food or your weight. Your  job is only to listen to, connect with, and practice respect for what your body communicates to you.


    As nutrition professionals, we can help you build confidence, knowledge, and trust in your ability to make food decisions without a strict set of rules.  We take an all-foods-fit mentality in helping you build more nourishing + satisfying food patterns. Positive changes take time, practice, and patience...but will keep you out of the vicious cycle of diets, food rules, and rigid meal plans.  


    No matter how discouraged or hopeless you feel, we have every confidence that you can find a peaceful relationship with food and your body...and we're here to help you get there.